Philip Lomax is now RUNNING his own successful property services company

Philip from Peterborough says; “I always wanted to do practical types of jobs and used to work as a joiner for a door manufacturing company.”

Philip goes on to say… “I was tired of working for someone else. I wanted to be my own boss and in control of my own destiny”.

Philip knew he needed to learn to walk before he could RUN his own business, and so decided to enrol and train as a plumber. He completed his training last month and is now in receipt of his full NVQ qualification. “Without the virtual reality workshops I wouldn’t have been able to succeed and finish the NVQ training so quickly.”

Philip was so pleased to be able to undertake the assessment part of his NVQ at one of the construction sites. He says “Doing it this way saves you so much time and money, not forgetting the fact that it is near impossible to actually find your own jobs, that meet the criteria to be assessed.

I have learnt so much doing it this way and now I am confident in what I am doing and happy to have completed my NVQ

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